That kind of revenue growth is occurring among some communications-related semiconductor, optical networking and Internet-related software companies, he added.
For those who failed (or avoided) optical networking 101, an OC is worth almost 52Mb per second.
In the case of optical networking, the company also made a bet that has yet to pay off.
But that has not stopped V.C.'s, who only a year ago had focused on, say, optical networking, from getting into the Internet.
It's forcing the venture community to say, forget business-to-business, business-to-consumer, optical networking, or whatever it may be, and let's focus on individual businesses.
And people were laughing at us when we talked about 10-gigabit optical networking.
As an independent vendor, Fibergic is capable of delivering compatible modules for all products in optical networking.
He started his career at Tellabs in 1985 as an electrical engineer and had been senior vice president of optical networking.
SoundView was early on several large technology trends including optical networking and software.
In synchronous optical networking, this is modified slightly.