He was trying to explain to us about installing the optical cameras along the lower hull, but the schematics weren't detailed enough.
They offered a view of near-space targets as recorded by the ship's sensors, or in this case the optical cameras.
At last the optical cameras distinguished a bright speck in the middle-distance between J5 and the alien ship.
Scenes are still shot for the most part on 35-millimeter film with traditional optical cameras, which are regarded as a superior means of capturing images.
That would work both ways; no internal sensors could detect them either, and Spock had seen no evidence of optical cameras.
An optical camera was used to measure the dust.
Their resolution is considerably lower than that of optical cameras, mostly 160x120 or 320x240 pixels, up to 640x512 for the most expensive models.
The astronauts on Columbia gave the space telescope new solar wings, a better central power unit and the most advanced optical camera.
The F-14 had an optical camera mounted in the nose that was slaved to the radar cross-hairs.
Their resolution is considerably lower than of optical cameras, mostly only 160x120 or 320x240 pixels.