He wanted to create a "dark, scary and oppressive environment" for the characters, especially Mulder.
Tapiola provided a utopian vision of society and an alternative to what was seen at the time as an oppressive urban environment.
The play opened in 1955, 30 years after the trial took place, but its theme of defending independent thought in an oppressive environment struck a chord.
Her guide was silent and she too felt no need to break the silence in this oppressive environment.
At age 16, Chalee could no longer tolerate the authoritarian and oppressive environment of her mother's house and ran away.
And then, clear of the oppressive environment of the Fleet, I felt a belated surge of triumph.
In the oppressive environment of Milan, rarely does a young designer break through.
Jakob finds the school to be an oppressive environment, and does not enjoy the lessons in subservience that he receives.
Many came from violent or oppressive environments, often of their own making.
It's a much more oppressive environment than Ukraine was last autumn, during the Orange Revolution.