France could not portray itself as a leader of the oppressed nations of the world if it still was enforcing its colonial rule upon another nation.
In her work she criticized the situation of oppressed nations in Soviet Union, therefore from 1971 to 1974 she was not allowed to publish.
The heart of this position is that the problem is fundamentally a question of an oppressed nation with full rights of self-determination.
And, in both cases, the larger oppressor has shown deep contempt for the culture of the oppressed nation.
"We are an oppressed nation - we are many oppressed nations - within America," she said.
Delacroix's symbol for the oppressed Greek nation was a family employed as a conceptual and visual structuring device.
They believed this would help to create the conditions for unity between the workers in both oppressing and oppressed nations.
I repeat: unconditional and urgent assistance should be provided to an oppressed nation, thus putting an end to this old conflict.
Hopefully this will spread to the rest of the heavily oppressed nations.
He must lead the "Liberation Army" to bring freedom to the oppressed nation of Valeria.