This is because unassertive people confuse assertion with aggression, anger, oppositional behavior, etc.
The oppositional defiant behavior of some children and teens will worsen and lead to conduct disorder.
For example, a family comes into therapy desiring to fix their son's outbursts and oppositional defiant behavior.
In fact, children with SM have a lower rate of oppositional behavior than their peers in a school setting.
Such children often exhibit provocative and oppositional behaviors which may normally trigger feelings of rejection in caregivers.
Children go through defined periods of oppositional behaviour and may need humouring out of them.
"Children who meet criteria for reactive attachment disorder and who display aggressive and oppositional behavior require adjunctive (additional) treatments."
They also show greater signs of anxious, irritable, aggressive, and oppositional behaviors than low- income, non-hungry peers.
A family joke related to her oppositional behavior.
Children in the experimental group showed increased hyperactive and oppositional behaviors.