However, it has been used in an opposite sense by many non-English-speaking doctors.
If the center is internal, the two figures are scaled mirror images of one another; their angles have the opposite sense.
For us the word "prince" has an almost opposite sense to what "princeps" had for a Roman.
Retrograde: Backwards; as applied to an orbit, moving in the opposite sense from the great majority of solar system bodies.
However, it is also sometimes used in almost the opposite sense to justify materials luxuries beyond simple things like bread.
That is because there are two kinds of angular mo- mentum, in opposite senses.
Now it was exactly the opposite sense that came over him.
Disks whose ordinals have odd parity move in opposite sense.
Sometimes the opposite sense of threading is used for a special reason.
But Russians are like New Yorkers in the exactly opposite sense as well.