She said she was impressed by Professor Friedman but remained "totally opposed to his views."
Hanging back, as he did for too long in the health care debate, creates a vacuum, which is filled by those opposed to his views.
Jensen however soon found herself strongly opposed to their views.
From your earlier posts, there are many cases where the scientific evidence is diametrically opposed to your political views (for example, climate change).
A section of orthodoxy, however, was still active and opposed to his views.
The book is rejected by many members of the scientific community and has received much criticism by those opposed to his views.
Out of two hundred presbyteries polled afterward, ninety were opposed to Briggs's views.
"Not so, comte, I did not promise you, for it is opposed to my own views."
So that the Melastomads are not opposed to your views.
In this case, the Greens are adopting positions which are diametrically opposed to their views.