They were not opposed to development as to them "development" was an increase in their capital, improvements in education, social order, and organization.
None of these communities are opposed to development per se.
My money says they're solely opposed to U.s. oil exploration and development.
Persons who seem opposed to all real estate or commercial development or change.
Officials of land trusts say they are not universally opposed to development, and in fact often invite local developers to serve on their boards.
They are not opposed to economic development, they said, but rather to the Pakistani government's military campaign to suppress them.
"We aren't opposed to development, but it should keep with the nature of what this neighborhood has been since its inception," she said.
That being said, I am not opposed to development per se.
"We are not opposed to commercial development of the site," he said.
Skillful campaigns by those opposed to development have become routine, and routinely successful.