The United States, for instance, opposes talks to bar weapons in outer space, but supports negotiations on nuclear materials that can be used to make weapons.
The military has opposed talks.
Hamas, which has always opposed talks with Israel, rejected the latest peace plan and continued its attacks.
Washington had opposed talks, and in fact intended to upgrade the missiles.
The paramilitary group tied to most of the killings, the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, has vehemently opposed talks with the rebels.
The government's spokesman said today that Iran would not oppose direct talks with American legislators to lessen the diplomatic chill between the two countries.
The three groups, which oppose talks with Israel, have taken responsibility for or been accused of scores of attacks and suicide bombings.
After the shooting in Hebron, many Palestinians opposed further talks because there has been little progress.
But the Administration has opposed opening talks, saying it would not go along with any steps leading to the elimination of nuclear weapons in Europe.
Mr. Shamir and others in his Likud Party, who control foreign policy, oppose talks with the P.L.O. under any circumstances.