Voice for Life also exists to oppose physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia, so it deals with the both the beginning of human life and its end.
President Clinton, who has long opposed assisted suicide, has refused to comment on the Oregon vote.
Three siblings in California who, like Chip, oppose suicide on moral grounds, are fighting to win conservatorship there.
For 2,400 years, since Hippocrates' time, doctors have opposed physician-assisted suicide.
The group has long opposed assisted suicide, on the ground that it is "antithetical to the role of physician as healer."
Even the American Medical Association, which opposes physician-assisted suicide, is strongly opposed to this bill.
The Catholic church, which strongly opposes assisted suicide, condemned the death.
The church has long opposed suicide, and has fought against assisted suicide.
He said that in his own experience, "those with pain are more likely than others to oppose physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia."