He opposes quotas in admission to institutions of higher education.
She has said she opposes racial quotas and numerical goals, but emphasized the importance of giving everyone an equal opportunity.
He opposes racial quotas to maintain integration in housing but favors "goals and guidelines."
The Bush Administration has strongly opposed quotas or programs that specify race as a requirement in such areas as jobs, schools and housing.
That decision opposed quotas, but it said racial equity was such a compelling social concern that universities could consider race in admissions decisions.
On affirmative action, the President said he opposed quotas and reverse discrimination.
He opposes racial quotas, for example, but supports other efforts to open doors for minorities.
Both candidates say they favor affirmative action but oppose rigid quotas.
My group strongly condemns such moves and also opposes quotas on immigration.
He opposes racial quotas but calls on critics to be stern about the preferences given to corporations by Washington.