He was only opposed by a write-in candidate, Robert W. Brinkman, in the general election, and received 99% of the vote against him.
O'Malley then became the presumed Democratic nominee for Governor, as no other candidate opposed him in the primary election.
No. 2, so there will be no one who would oppose their candidate in the next election.
Mr. Colosio said he opposed any participation of international observers in the election, citing laws that prohibited their involvement.
He opposes British entry into a single currency in this Parliament and intends to oppose it in the next election.
He was one of three candidates to oppose Bury's re-election bid in the 1927 election, but finished second as Bury received more than half the vote.
He was chiefly opposed in the election by Democrat Jim Jordan.
Most unions were strongly opposed to Reagan in the 1980 presidential election.
That Jefferson would be the Republican choice to oppose him in the election was a foregone conclusion.
With Henderson's local support so high, the Unionists did not oppose him in the 1945 election.