That's why Jesus talked a great deal about punishment, and the moral obligation to oppose evil with a strong and swift hand.
As Saint Austen had said, "He who does not oppose evil by all means in his power becomes its accomplice."
With you and others who actively oppose evil, you wonder what it is that you could have done to prevent another person's death.
They oppose evil, but their first mandate is to ensure they do no harm in the process.
"But I serve the gods of my father s house, and they oppose evil."
It is morally justified to oppose evil.
That is not my idea of people who oppose evil.
If we do violence to oppose evil, soon we would be no different from what we struggle against.
In the coming years, we will periodically face internal opposition from those in our own country who lack the vision and fortitude to oppose evil.
In this place, Marianne was good because she opposed evil.