Washington and London immediately opposed "rewarding" Iraqi aggression, while Baghdad never even responded.
He repeated familiar themes during the day: economic security, the need to oppose aggression and the threat to American diplomats and other "innocent lives."
In 1949, Mao Zedong asserted that "to oppose imperialist aggression, we must build a powerful navy."
Bosniak leadership was still in indecision for major conflict, so Croats were first to oppose Serbian aggression.
A political philosophy which advocates property rights and voluntary association as the foundation of society, and generally opposes coercion and aggression.
It is between Iraq and the entire world community, Arab and non-Arab alike, all the nations of the world lined up to oppose aggression.
He had, as we have seen, turned down the Russian proposal for a conference after the Anschluss to discuss means of opposing further German aggression.
Those who avoid military service and continue to oppose armed aggression are not chickenhawks.
The right course remains to oppose aggression and genocide.