A majority of the members reportedly opposed adding all four universities for a 13-member league.
He opposes adding sexual orientation and gender identity to federal laws that address hate crime.
But first the ferry company has to deal with criticism from competitors and community groups that oppose adding to the cacophony of western Midtown.
The pharmaceutical companies oppose adding drug coverage to the Government-run plan because they fear it will lead to price controls.
McGinn opposes adding any traffic capacity and has stated his desire to see the additional capacity planned now instead be used as transit only lanes.
Many lawmakers privately oppose adding new disclosure requirements because it could impose a new burden on potential fund-raisers.
He opposed adding a habeas corpus provision to counterterrorism legislation - but a few days later he abandoned that position.
He added that a majority of franchisees supported the spin-off but opposed adding substantial debt to Burger King's balance sheet.
In other parts of the state, Republicans oppose adding judgeships in areas controlled by Democrats.
Although environmentalists generally oppose adding another burden of pollutants to the atmosphere, most acknowledge that nearly any solution to the garbage problem will involve trade-offs.