More than one has resorted to theft when food was short or opportunity beckoned.
Great choices are being made, greater opportunities beckon.
Lydenberg goes on to address in his essay, "The opportunity beckons loud here to demonstrate how necessary is the cooperation between the general and special collection."
When the opportunity beckoned, he made his point by the simple expedient of picking up a worm and popping it into the panting youngster's mouth.
Yet in other places, opportunity beckons as never before, as immigrants expand the tastes of mainstream America.
On May 9, three orchestral opportunities beckon, but with such different stylistic bents that choosing among them should be easier than usual.
For visitors who want to peek behind the facades of some of Washington's most historic homes, opportunity beckons on April 28 and 29.
Like many other people who move to the Sunbelt, they are moving because better economic opportunities beckon from the South.
Meanwhile new opportunities were beckoning: the children's book business was being invigorated by a new wave of eager baby-boom parents.
And when opportunity beckons, they don't hesitate.