Unfortunately, lesser opponents tend to bring out the worst in our basketball team.
The opponents of on-line copyright tend to be people who have never actually tried to make a living from their writing.
Indeed, the course of the game will look deceptively as though the opponent were just tending to his knitting.
Moreover, the opponents tend to agree on why the early Earth's high carbon dioxide levels failed to roast the planet.
At match-points one's opponents tend to make hungry doubles, with the result likely to be a top score for somebody.
He added that the opponents, by accident or design, tended to be highly selective in their facts.
The biggest preschool opponents tend to be religious conservatives worried about the creation of a nanny state.
As a result of these moves, the opponent would tend to land on his side or face down.
Show your power once and your opponent tends to believe you from there on out.
The opponents, then, regrettably, tend to move into the sphere of physical power.