Even its opponents can't resist taking advantage of its benefits.
He will also only open fire after an opponent resists arrest, although in such circumstances will not hesitate to do so.
By the mid-70s, Pei tried proposing a new design, but the library's opponents resisted every effort.
As his opponent resisted, another man came lunging from the steam, hauling a gun out of a towel to aim Cranston's way.
The opponents often resist; memory failure is common.
The use of the foot ensures the technique is effective, even when the opponent is resisting.
Thus, so swiftly could he apply a stress, that, before an opponent could become aware and resist, the aim of the stress had been accomplished.
If an opponent is resisting the action, the difficulty is their roll.
In a survey in 1952 only 20 percent of the respondents believed that Hitler's opponents should have resisted in wartime.
Both winning pairs had big scores on the diagramed deal because an opponent resisted the obvious.