But the opponents are reacting in part to the language, which seems to require evidence of wrongdoing.
Just because you were sure your opponent would react in a certain way did not mean he would.
Iron John was cautious now, knew how fast his new opponent could react.
But it is useful, as a thought experiment, to ask how opponents of imports would have reacted had the story been slightly different.
It is sometimes done to see how an opponent will react.
The school's opponents reacted warily to the proposed changes, which the Army expects to make public in the weeks ahead.
You just have to calculate the percentages of wot your opponent will do, and react accordingly.
The incinerator's opponents reacted angrily to the decision and pledged to continue to fight its construction, possibly by challenging it in court.
It's about planning how your opponent will react to something you do and trying to trick them.
It is certain that they will impose this policy, however much their opponents react.