"Bearing Right" does not claim that opponents of legal abortion have prevailed.
Even if opponents of the arts agency prevail in the House, the debate will not end there.
Mr. Meehan predicted that opponents of the increase would prevail in the hearings expected to start next fall.
If these opponents prevail, perhaps they will carry their argument next to battle the institution we have that already does exactly this: the military.
Mayor Koch said last week that "this city is going to go broke" if opponents of his plan to build temporary shelter for homeless families prevail.
This time, the opponents prevailed and the Bulldogs won the series in seven games.
The opponents prevailed, and the rule proposal died.
More often than not, opponents do not prevail in court.
The opponents of a new organization prevailed, but the congress agreed to establish an Information Bureau.
On Tuesday, those opponents prevailed, blocking a final vote this year on banning soft-money contributions.