But some opponents of affirmative action are lobbying to have the issue placed on next year's November ballot.
Lawsuits have been filed throughout the country and opponents have lobbied Congress to repeal or amend the Act.
But opponents of the proposed rules have been lobbying the President to moderate them.
But opponents of expansion are lobbying equally hard for an organic garden in the hope of blocking new construction.
Alarmed by the results, opponents would lobby to thwart subsequent bills by Green and others.
When the Senate passed the Rivers and Harbors Bill 34 to 16 on July 24, 1846, opponents lobbied for a presidential veto.
The bill's opponents also lobbied hard.
Opponents say that United States prosecutors are reaching outside their boundaries and the opponents are lobbying the British government to protect its own citizens.
His political opponents, eager to see him gone, lobbied Hayes to appoint another replacement.
She added that opponents successfully lobbied to limit the flights to two a day per carrier.