Opponents, led by teachers and school administrators, say they are ready to go to almost any length to defeat it.
These opponents, led by two senior senators, have boasted that their plan enjoys the support of the Haitian military.
His supporters spent about $1.3 million; opponents, led by Naral, spent $165,114, according to the center.
The government's opponents, led by Georges Clemenceau, went on the attack.
Opponents of the measure, led by the Roman Catholic Church, condemned the death.
But opponents, led by a group called the Coalition for a Better Waterfront, had several objections.
But opponents of the waiver, led by a group of Hispanic broadcasters, began flooding the commission with objections.
But opponents of the project, led by the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, say the studies are incomplete.
When the convention opened June 16, the odds were against adoption, because the opponents, led by Gov. George Clinton, held a clear majority.
Zedler's opponents, led by Weidmann, opposed the scheme.