If not, the opponent, who had heard the entire description, guessed.
East had chosen a direct strategy, forcing the opponents to guess at the six-level.
This chamber, identical to the chamber of many taekwondo kicks (front kick, side kick, etc.) is utilized so that the opponent cannot guess which kick will be thrown.
If neither opponent guessed correctly, the player who selected the riddle won $50.
If the opponents correctly guess the winner at the end of the show, they steal the prize money from the winner sharing it amongst themselves, leaving the winner with nothing.
While the player himself knows which of the pawns is his queen the opponent can only guess from the player's reaction.
Today's decision left both Microsoft and its opponents guessing about the Government's ultimate intentions.
If the opponent guessed correctly, they were awarded a point, and if they then stated the correct figure they were given an additional point.
Caught in the middle is a boys soccer program called the Fugees - short for refugees, though most opponents guess the name refers to the hip-hop band.
If the opponent also guessed wrong, the box remained unclaimed.