It helps, too, when the opponent fails to empower its best player.
In any case, he had to plunge forward, and was rewarded when his 24-year-old opponent failed to find a way out.
She won the prize money without having to compete when her opponent failed to appear for the race.
If the opponent fails to force a tie, the game is over.
He said the opponents had failed to show that irreparable harm would follow the dumping.
Many an opponent had failed to account for Manya, and paid the price of that lapse.
They won two games through forfeit: one opponent failed to show up and another did not have enough players.
The Senate approved the provision on a voice vote after opponents failed in an effort to table the measure.
Many opponents have tried and failed to keep this fantastic little playmaker quiet.
Republican opponents subsequently failed in an attempt to have the Brady measure returned to committee for further study.