If an opponent employed a slow pace, Gilbert attacked decisively, often at the net.
But the opponents were employing "third and fifth" leads, so West could be assumed to have begun with five hearts.
"Our opponent is already employing the assistance of the Democratic leadership," said Adam Mendelsohn, an adviser to Mr. Kuykendall.
("James Bond's opponents have, to a man," he insists, "always employed good diction and vocabulary.")
We failed to consider that their weapons and armored cars were far from corresponding to the standard of those which we or our opponents employed in North Africa.
He must have seen his opponent employ the luring bet.
His opponent in the 1972 Democratic primary, Alan Merson, employed the same strategy that Perchlik and Barnes used two years previously.
Conversely, opponents of political correctness then employed the term "politically incorrect" to communicate that they were unafraid to ignore the social constraints inherent to politically-correct speech.
Heseltine's opponents also employed a mixture of tactics in a campaign to defend the Prime Minister.
"You know, he is chipping every backhand," said Adams, who didn't realize his opponent was employing the shot for strategic, not defensive, purposes.