As his opponents dropped away along with the early commotion about his nonservice in Vietnam, he further polished an already shiny television persona.
She was sworn in on March 3, 2010 after her opponent dropped his plans to request a recount.
Nine former opponents have dropped Syracuse in recent years, and the team will play only 10 games, rather than 12 or 15, as in the past.
Although these matters should be easy for the agencies to agree on, there is no sign that opponents will drop their battle.
Her race against an incumbent Republican looked unwinnable, until her opponent suddenly dropped out of the race.
If the opponent drops the doubled stakes, he loses the game at the current value of the doubling cube.
The opponent would drop and flop like a sweaty man-fish.
They were twenty feet apart when Blade's opponent dropped into fighting stance.
Otherwise, his opponents would be dropping, instead of merely dodging, when those big automatics coughed their way.
Next thing, his opponent dropped to the floor, holding his side hi a spreading pool of blood.