These opossum shrimp are frequently found in large numbers and filter small food particles out of the water, occasionally consuming larger prey.
Their common name opossum shrimps stems from the presence of a brood pouch, or marsupium, in females.
Demersal zooplankton are animals, such as opossum shrimp, that are bottom-dwellers part of the day and drifters or swimmers the rest.
Mysis diluviana is a mysid crustacean (opossum shrimp) that inhabits freshwater lakes of northern North America.
Mysis are often called opossum shrimp.
Praunus flexuosus, known as the chameleon shrimp, is a species of opossum shrimp found in European waters.
Neomysis americana is an "extremely common" species of opossum shrimp along the Atlantic coast of North and South America.
It has also been found along with sixteen other species of opossum shrimp off the coast of Belize.
There are fewer catfish, fewer opossum shrimp, and, of course, fewer fisherman on the levees of the murky rivers.
The opossum shrimp, Mysis diluviana, invaded Flathead Lake.