It is typically prescribed in cases of severe pain where prolonged opioid therapy is indicated.
Most of those patients had been on opioid therapy for many years.
Side effects in these studies were consistent with other opioid therapies, including sedation, constipation, stomatitis, and nausea.
Doses greater than 25 mcg per hour at the beginning of opioid therapy.
The most common side effect of opioid therapy is constipation.
Myoclonic jerking can occur at any time during opioid therapy but is seen more frequently at the end of life.
Benzodiazepines may be used to treat anxiety commonly associated with dyspnea, but usually as an adjunct to opioid therapy.
Respiratory depression: The most dangerous complication of opioid therapy is respiratory depression.
Ameritox's clinical research program investigates topics related to managing patients on chronic opioid therapy.
In this case, they may benefit from complete withdrawal from opioid therapy.