The unanimous opinion overturned a West Virginia man's conviction for murdering his wife and reaffirmed a principle the Court established 21 years ago.
Judge Kennedy's opinion overturned a decision by a Federal district judge that could have provided as much as $1 billion to 15,500 Washington State employees.
Justice Kennedy's opinion in the case, Roper v. Simmons, No. 03-633, overturned a 1989 precedent that had set the age at 16.
Another opinion in 1966 overturned a murder conviction and set standards for judges to determine when criminal co-defendants are entitled to separate trials in the interest of fairness.
In his opinion overturning that decision today, Justice Thomas said the Tecumseh program was "entirely reasonable" in light of the "nationwide epidemic of drug use" among school-age children.
The 6-to-3 opinion overturns the dismissal by King County Superior Court of both individual and institutional bondholder suits.
The opinion overturned a lower court ruling in favor of the government.
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy's opinion overturned the sentence and held that the Constitution forbids the death penalty for juvenile offenders.
Judge Thomas's opinion in the Alpo case overturned a $10.4 million award against Ralston that had been based on its profits.
That opinion also overturned an $85,000 damage award the plaintiffs had won after a federal jury trial in Chicago.