A tip, social scientists seem to be discovering, has less to do with the diner's opinion of the service than it has with his opinion of himself, his need for approval or his desire to please the waiter.
Surveys We are interested in your opinions of the service we offer.
ALTHOUGH Standard & Poor's Outlook continues to recommend "a bullish investment stance," it carries a list of stocks that, in the opinion of the advisory service, should be avoided at this time.
But since the first two options didn't work out and the third, collecting art, requires a steady influx of capital and hasn't quite sated his competitive appetite, McEnroe has reversed his low opinion of the senior service and agreed to anchor the brand-new Advanta Tour.
A barrister who left the Inland Revenue for practice at the Bar summed up his opinion of the service in the following words: 'I enjoyed it, they enjoyed me, and I would always consider returning if the Bar did not prove satisfying.'
In addition, the transportation agency will survey passengers periodically to gain their opinion of the service and will monitor ridership as a measure of success.
In the opinion of the service it was a vile job, designed to secure Humphreys' advancement.
QUESTION FROM RACHEL: Malcolm, the twitterverse has noted that you hardly use twitter at all-how does this influence your opinion of the service and what it can be used to accomplish?
Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to give you the opinion of the legal service and of the President of the European Parliament, since he has of course been consulted in accordance with our Rules of Procedure.
I am sorry to say this but, according to the opinion of the legal service, there is no legal base for the Commission to recover these subsidies on the grounds that British Coal was subsequently closed.