One suspects that CBS needed to see how public opinion evolved before it made the decision to terminate Mr. Imus.
Meanwhile, public opinion in Russia, as in Germany and France, evolved against the war.
Eventually, these opinions turned into deep respect and evolved into fully developed worship of the family animal (Lubbock, 2005, p. 253).
Robert's ideas and opinions certainly evolved over time, particularly after he met his last wife, and this book is far from his last word on Utopia.
Since September 11th, American public opinion about how to respond to bin Laden's threats has also evolved.
"It's strange," he said, "that those opinions evolved without extensive research, official inquiry or probe."
The opinion, the overture and Les préludes were one and the same piece of music, hence must have evolved from different sources.
However, political consensus and public opinion in Taiwan has evolved since 1992.
Turkle explains how peoples' opinion of computers have evolved through time and some of the implications for new users.
People's opinions of computers had evolved along with the technology.