His opinions coincide so exactly with mine that I must acknowledge their truth or reverse my own judgment.
I have associated with them in the case and my opinion coincides with theirs.
I gather that our opinions of the good Primate more or less coincide,' he suggested.
Do your own opinions coincide with the majority view of public opinion on all subjects?
Oddly enough, their opinion usually coincided with mine.
Cranston's opinion didn't quite coincide with Delmot's, for he had some words to say about it.
"We have said repeatedly in public that our opinions do not always coincide, but I fully trust him as a partner."
As is so often the case when things are relatively simple, everybody has an opinion and these opinions do not entirely coincide.
I am pleased to see that the opinions of Parliament and the Commission coincide to a great extent.
It would be interesting to hear whether Sir Charles's opinion coincides with mine or not.