From a battle surgeon's point of view, that's a blessing, no matter where the ability comes from, though I suspect ecclesiastical opinion would argue the point.
He is a potent polemicist who reminds us that opinions are neither right nor wrong but rather informed and well argued - or not.
The opinion argued that the Social Security tax application was problematic as it "singled out then-sitting federal judges for unfavorable treatment".
It declined to subject Federal affirmative action programs to the strict scrutiny for which Justice O'Connor's dissenting opinion vigorously argued.
One opinion in the Jerusalem Talmud argues that the concubine should also receive a marriage contract, but without a clause specifying a divorce settlement.
One opinion expressed in the Talmud argues that this was where the death penalty's imposition originated.
He wrote the opinion for a unanimous court in a case argued less than a month ago, Martin v. Franklin Capital Corporation, No. 04-1140.
These legal opinions (including the 2002 Bybee memo) argued for a narrow definition of torture under U.S. law.
But a dissenting opinion from the appeals court argued that a new hurdle needed to be cleared before the case was brought again.
The dissenting opinion argued that the case did not pass the Lemon test.