With a population of only about 100 people in 1929, the Biles-Coleman logging operations headquarters were moved to Disautel.
It served as a government ministry as well as joint military operations headquarters.
Circus tents were used for operations headquarters and classrooms.
By the early 1960s there were over two hundred Henry's restaurants across America with operations headquarters in Chicago.
It was opened in 1927 by Alfred Gage as an operations headquarters for his 500,000-acre ranch.
Its operations headquarters moved to Denver, Co.
Over a static-filled radio at the operations headquarters, workers could be heard saying they had found a loon, still alive although apparently damaged by the oil.
He did not show up at his operations headquarters, and several supporters said that he planned to visit his brother's grave.
Semi-permanent buildings included an operations headquarters, classrooms, supply building, fire station, dispensary, chapel and the control tower.
With Fort Bragg on war footing, the problem landed in special operations headquarters like a stray grenade.