The location of his hideout and operations base is debated.
The airfield was repaired and put into use by the 5th Air Force as a forward operations base.
The budget for their new operations base includes $50 million for the construction of a headquarters, a training center, barracks and a hospital.
The four base radio stations maintain communication between the operations base and the deployed teams.
A campaign is underway to save a wartime operations base, which cracked Hitler's secret code, from being demolished.
There are also operations bases in Fairbanks and Petersburg.
This award is given to systems with great efficiency and cost-effectiveness, a high safety rating, and a stable operations base, among other criteria.
Germany has a large Islamic community and has been used by Middle East terrorists as an operations base, intelligence experts say.
Minutes after a quick call to the alliance's operations base, three men arrived in a new van containing paint, solvents and a $20,000 power washer.
The aircraft's design supports effective operations from forward bases.