This is no time, Herr General, for a lecture on operational tactics.
For many of the restaurant managers, operational tactics have become more imaginative than the menus.
In 1932 he graduated from the Naval College after studying operational tactics.
He was an innovator, and developed several operational tactics that markedly increased his ship's efficiency.
Jaramillo, while not part of the team, played a useful role in early development of operational tactics through his knowledge of S-2 procedures.
The B-29 was still being "invented" and its operational tactics had to be proved while the airplane was being de-bugged in the face of the enemy.
His work as a test pilot included aircraft, electronic systems, and operational tactics such as developing techniques for delivering nuclear weapons from small fighter aircraft.
A brilliant tactician, his work remains pivotal to Indian naval training on maneuvers and operational tactics.
They don't agree on the purpose of the enterprise, and even when they do they often don't agree on operational tactics.
At various times, each of these operational tactics had its place in the antisubmarine war.