The operational leader of the 9/11 conspiracy, Mohamed Atta, went online from Hamburg, Germany, to research U.S. flight schools.
Also during this time, his passion for rescue led him to become the operational leader of his mountain rescue team.
Still Neumann, who was himself one of the Luftwaffe's most able operational leaders, in the assessment of his subordinate commander's quality was forthright:
Mr. Mohammed was the last senior operational leader in Al Qaeda.
The investigation is pointing toward the operational leader for Al Qaeda in southeast Asia as the mastermind of the attack.
Osama bin Laden, no longer an operational leader, retains, in the State Department's language, "the capability to influence events, and inspire actual and potential terrorists."
Heyde became the operational leader of the programme, succeeded later by Nitsche.
Rather, Fortas developed his own power base as the operational leader of Arnold, Fortas & Porter, arguably the finest law firm in Washington.
This effort, or the CIA's lead portion of it, concerns the capture of a number of the key operational leaders in Al Qaeda's global network.
The operational leader of the team.