Continually active since January 1941, the 67th was activated as a single-engine fighter operational and replacement training unit as part of the 58th Pursuit Group.
At the end of August, Luftflotte 4 was down to 320 bombers, around 100 operational fighters, and 35 reconnaissance machines.
The remaining four operational fighters were ordered to land wherever they could away from the base.
By December the Luftwaffe had just 425 operational fighters alone on the eastern front.
It was used for operational fighters and paratroop training.
The RAF had 650 operational fighters including 120 Spitfires.
This deployment provided the only operational fighters in the Southern Command.
But China had 2200 fully operational fighter and bomber aircraft, while Taiwan had a total of only 400 combat aircraft.
We now have six ships and one hundred and twelve active operational fighters within eight hours of the Earth.
Its first operational fighters were S.E.5As in March 1918.