This state-of-the-art operation utilized electronic sensors, computers, and communications relay aircraft in an attempt to automate intelligence collection.
Over half of all air operations at the facility utilize the eastern runway.
The operation, named "Say Laab", meaning flood, utilized multiple helicopters and put over 100 commandos onto four separate targets simultaneously.
Maybe your undercover operations could utilize some of our standard equipment.
He streamlined the operations of the company under the Vodafone brand to utilize the global scale while maintaining local customer focus.
By the end of 1949, this operation fully utilised five Freighters, which carried 2,700 cars and 10,000 passengers.
The technical operation of the PSTN utilizes standards created by the ITU-T.
The underground operation utilized a square-set mining method, but by 1901 had converted to an open stope and pillar method with considerable cost savings.
Early operations of the spaceport utilized this temporary infrastructure, some of it borrowed from neighboring White Sands Missile Range.
The operation utilized all of SAD's components to include political action, covert influence and paramilitary operations.