"That means I will accept only the most conservative revenue estimates and there must be a real sufficient operating reserve after all the anticipated spending is accounted for."
A chronic problem faced by Israel's electricity market is a persistently low operating reserve, which is mostly the result of Israel being an "electricity island".
There will also be built-in budgetary operating reserves but, in the end, no ongoing operating subsidies.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.
The operating reserve is made up of the spinning reserve as well as the non-spinning or supplemental reserve:
Most power system guidelines require a significant fraction of their operating reserve to come from spinning reserve.
However, because the frequency-response reserve is often small and not at the discretion of the system operator it is not considered part of the operating reserve.
In addition to the city's subsidy, the nonprofits are typically using money raised through the Federal tax-credit program to finance a substantial operating reserve for the buildings.
Now the money raised through LISC is being used to support operating reserves.
The main rationale for locating the G 2/2+2/3 class's sole carrying axle in a position under the locomotive's cab was that it increased the locomotive's operating reserves.