From 1985 to 2007, the southern end was operated as a heritage railway with historic trains.
Because of this the two lines over this crossing are operated as single tracks with trains running in either direction on both.
The line operates from mid-March until early-November, with trains every 35 minutes.
The branch was to be operated as a shuttle with trains passing at Strand station.
All service is typically operated with two-car trains, except for certain trips during late-night hours.
Only parts of the platform walls were decorated because it was planned to operate the branch with short trains.
It will operate 24 hours a day with trains running continuously in both directions and arriving as frequently as every three minutes.
When operating with both trains, the ride's capacity is 820 riders per hour.
With the current system, the doors would have to be designed to operate with trains controlled by human drivers.
Thus, as of March 1907, the following lines were operated with elevated trains: