The channel operates a separate advertising opt-out in the Republic allowing advertisers to directly target Irish audiences.
Currently, 90 institutes of high education are operating in the Republic of Armenia.
Before the Chinese Civil War, there were three airlines operating in the Republic of China.
It operates in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Anvil Mining is a copper producer that has been operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 2002.
The company operates in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Despite its name, it did not operate any interests in the Republic of Ireland.
A related service also operates under the name 1800 Reverse, in the Republic of Ireland.
There are currently 14 prisons operating in the Republic of Ireland with a total bed capacity of 4,106 as of the 31 December 2009.
Public schools started operating quite early in the Republic, since navigation and sailing required literacy.