Other sawmills and shingle mills operated in Leland during the years 1885-1900.
Vortex Comics was a Canadian independent comic book publisher that operated during the years 1982 to 1994.
Known by the same name, they operated inside the capital city, Asmara, during the last 15-20 years of the armed struggle in Eritrea against Ethiopia.
The club continued to operate during the eight years the show was filmed there.
This, he said, could explain an anomaly that has puzzled scientists operating the two big detectors during the last four years.
An Air Force radar base operated just outside of town during the early years of the Cold War.
That firm operated the ship in the Pacific Ocean during the final months of the war and during the first four years following Japan's capitulation.
After his baseball career, Bauman continued to run the service station which he had started operating during the last years of his playing career.
Several trapping companies operated in the valley during the next 20 years.