While some of these groups have, upon American insistence, been banned, there are others still operating within the country clandestinely.
And perhaps, as Horus had suggested, it also helped to explain why Anu continued to operate so clandestinely.
Brothels (Maisons closes) remain illegal but operate discretely and clandestinely.
Instead they preferred to operate clandestinely and detested publicity.
The VC intent was to set up a "parallel" administration, operating clandestinely.
Blacky starts operating clandestinely as a communist activist along with Marko and others.
This time, Boran went to exile in Europe and the party continued to operate clandestinely.
Catholic priests were also tolerated, but bishops were forced to operate clandestinely.
The heroes are a handful of ultraconservative Catholics sustained by a rich family and forced to operate clandestinely.
But the Duvalierists, once operating clandestinely, are now out in the open, in a sort of recurring nightmare.