There is another level of administration for labor that is to operate beneath the secretariat.
Though the audience was on its feet throughout, it often seemed that Madonna was operating beneath her potential in this pop format.
He operates from the lost underground city of Xanadu, beneath the Sinkiang.
More frequently, though, the line operates beneath the surface of conversations, of interactions, of transactions, of life.
About 2,500 people work in more than 200 businesses that operate beneath Kansas City's surface.
For the longest time, figure skating operated beneath the brightest beams of Olympic scrutiny.
Those seeking state contracts were exempt, and they were free to operate largely beneath the radar.
These advanced boats were also designed for operating beneath the polar ice cap.
Used, say, by those government people still alive and operating the underground fortresses beneath the Pentagon, beneath the rolling Virginia hills.
Nevertheless, both were able to paint a statistical portrait of a state that they say operates in many areas beneath already dismal national norms.