In a few months, almost simultaneously, Prior openly exposed the origin of his Napoleonic sagas and the first chapters of his Chinese Encyclopaedia, two thirds of his monumental system of systems.
Indeed, a number of them say they are making the world a better place, because they openly expose the weaknesses of computer systems.
The play is a farce,' wrote The Times's critic, 'but it openly exposes the violent hatreds, frustrations, and revenges which in normal farce are buried well beneath the surface.
The Hungarian troupe has a look all its own, and it is one that conceals entirely the ballet training that the Moiseyev openly exposes or fuses with folk patterns or steps.
But, unlike most iconoclasts, Drexler has for many years courageously and openly exposed these ideas to both the most conservative skeptics and the most wishful-thinking dreamers among serious scientific communities like the one around MIT.
He's openly exposing his involvement, and given his background in covert to black operations, he wouldn't do that lightly.