In the deft opening vignette by Han Ong, one Chinese immigrant teaches English to a newer arrival, with results that are frustrating to the established resident, encouraging to the newcomer and amusing to the audience.
To foster as much parity as possible, Kelly did the same in the Garner-only episode, "Black Fire", by appearing in the opening vignette to introduce the story and narrating the remainder of the episode.
The 29-year-old Mr. Linklater, who appears in the film's opening vignette as a taxi passenger who natters cheerfully about alternate realities and roads not taken, offered his own description of the subculture depicted in "Slackers."
"Metalingus" was used as the background music for the opening vignette of the 2007 World Series.
An opening vignette in which the cast rapidly shouts lines from Beat writers to the accompaniment of bongos is a muddle; the actors speak so fast and loud it is impossible to understand what they are saying.
Under Richard Corley's seamless direction, the opening vignettes quickly provide the background of Pound's case.
Mr. Portnoy goes nowhere with this clever opening vignette, which has the best acting and the best movement in the piece.
Corey Tazmania and Deborah Baum play Frances' sisters in the opening vignette, but by the final segment of Mr. Sessa's intriguingly structured triptych they are playing her grandchildren, and it is 1995.
A television series' teaser - otherwise known as an opening vignette or setup - is a device that has practically come to border on self-parody.
The game begins with an opening vignette that is determined by the alignment of the party.