City Racing became an important and renowned exhibition space; its openings provided a networking opportunity for many artists.
The opening of the time capsules have provided occasions for reunions.
The new opening provides a way for fluid to flow out of the eye.
The openings provide fresh air flow to disperse either car exhaust or fumes from a fire should one break out within the structure.
The opening created by the arching of the body provides an exit for the molting trilobite.
Such an opening provides a starting point on which creative chess players can build the complex structures of the middle and end games.
Elliptical openings in the stone walls around the courtyard provide views over the surrounding landscape.
The opening of the Clyde Arc provides easy road access to the north of the river.
But for another new senator, the opening of the Legislature provided a chance to make a splashy entrance, or at least a noisy one.
But the approach of summer and the opening of public as well as backyard pools provides incentive.