The opening passage is interesting for the light which it throws on Sirius's temperament.
This storybook quality is suggested in the book's opening passage, which seems to describe a magical other world.
Every night he would murmur aloud to himself that book's opening passage.
The last movement is the most complicated; its elegic mood develops from short opening passage.
Key words to note in the descriptive opening passages are "black" and "dazzle."
We can, at the very least, as I suggested in the opening passage, approach a site barefoot, making a direct link with the Earth.
The title of the work itself is derived from the opening passage, which follows:
With that startling and very punchy opening passage, the author has laid down a big challenge for herself.
The first American edition (Ace, 1969) got the art right, although the book's opening passages were cut.
Take, for example, the opening passage of his memoir: