But at the opening meeting today, the carefully laid plans began to fall apart.
That board has held an opening meeting, but its future is an "open question," Mr. Zwilling said.
If the parties wanted excuses to stalk off in anger, they could have found them in the opening meeting.
The opening meeting was held on 28 October 1923.
The opening meeting of the synthetic track was on 26 July 1985.
The opening meeting was scheduled for 17 July 1961, but due to heavy flooding, construction of the speedway track had been delayed.
The opening meeting of the track was on 11 September 1954 which was the same date that the area became a public park.
The opening meeting was in 1927 and 50,000 people attended to watch the first race won by a greyhound named Spin.
You'll be happy to know that the opening meetings have been delayed until our arrival, despite objections from the Romulans.
The opening meeting was a formal dinner for the heads of government of the seven industrialized nations.